February offer!


Autumn holiday offer 20%

Autumn holiday offer 20%
on all clothing from Gant, Sebago Emma & Malena and Jofama

The offer is valid for customer club members!


AUTUMN OFFER on selected Volvo Penta engines!

Please contact us for a quote on engine replacement, service or repair.

Gustav@lyckansslip.com or 0523-22004



Lyckans Slip Marina and the Brandt brothers in a unique new collaboration!


As of March 1, 2022, Brandt Båt will establish itself in the marina's premises with its own customer center. From the road to the lake, Bröderna Brandt is now expanding its business, investing in the boat market and becoming a dealer for a number of boat brands, including electric boats. They will be located in the marina's old shipyard.

Bröderna Brandt Personbilar AB enters the boat business with a completely new company and a new concept.

  • The owners and Simon Ekbom (marketing manager) contacted us before the holidays to find a collaboration. They felt that Lyckans Slip , with the development of recent years, customer focus, location and visions for the future, was of great importance for the location and partner, says Connie Holmberg, CEO of Lyckans Slip.

After a period of discussion, the parties agreed that Brandt Båt will establish itself in Lyckans Slip's premises with its own customer center to act as a dealer for a number of boat brands, including electric boats.

At the marina, Brandt starts; sales, leasing, storage and service.
When it comes to storage and service, it will be partly through existing expertise on site with Lyckans Tie's staff.

This means that the marina will soon equip the dock system with charging stations as part of Lyckans Slip 's continued environmental work," adds Connie Holmberg.


SCOOP - Watch out tomorrow

For some years now, the news has been coming in thick and fast here at Lyckans Slip:

New gas station, the introduction of HVO Diesel, New barbecue area, ice cream kiosk, Whiskey bar and most recently new boat hall / shipyard and adventure golf - but the question is whether tomorrow's scoop 11.00 still takes the price in a double sense (and it is not the expansion of the piers, we save a little on)

Watch out 11.00 tomorrow on website and social media

Lyckans Slip - the best marina on the west coast in constant development and improvement



On clothing, footwear and furnishings

New opening hours in Skeppshandeln:

Mon - Fri 9-17, Sat 10-16 and Sun 10-15

The ice cream kiosk is closed for this year but of course you can still play miniature golf and eat ball ice cream, payment is made in Skeppshandeln!

The adventure course has opened!

Today the adventure course has opened! So fun that we were ready for Easter. Just a few small fixes left but the course is ready to play.

Pay and pick up equipment in the Shipyard. If Skeppshandeln is closed, you can still play. Payment is then made via the link below. Equipment is collected at the course, in the payment confirmation you will find a code that is used to open the box containing equipment! A warm welcome

Pay adventure golf

Adventure golf on Lyckans Slip 2021!

We have now started building adventure golf at Lyckans slip.

Now the construction of a miniature golf course has started at Lyckans. The course is a so-called adventure course, something else than a traditional course.

In a pleasant environment, you will be able to go for a walk with family and friends. The course will be open for most of the year, weather permitting!

Lyckans Slip in winter clothes!

Winter has arrived and Fiskebäckskil is delivering fantastic winter weather!

Although the season seems far away, we are moving towards brighter times and the work to prepare all the boats for the season is in full swing.

Something you want to have fixed on your boat? Do not hesitate to contact us!
A warm welcome!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Opening hours of the ship's store:


Opening hours until Christmas:
18/12 - 9-16
19/12 - 11-16
20/12 - 11-14
21/12 - 11-16
22/12 - 11-16
23/12 - 11-15

Opening hours during the holidays:
28/12 - 11-16
29/12 - 11-16
30/12 - 11-16
The shop is closed 31/12 - 18/1

The shipyard is closed 18/12 - 18/1

We would also like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


We are now opening the shop on Sundays as well! This gives you the opportunity to visit the store every day of the week. Remember to shop safely, locally and sustainably!

Avoid crowds and shop safely with us, we have different solutions:

Shop on weekdays 9-16, when you are almost always alone in the shop.

Make an appointment and we guarantee you'll have the whole shop to yourself!

Until Christmas, we offer delivery of Christmas presents, wrapped and ready!

Opening hours until Christmas:

V.49-51, Mon-Fri 9-16, Sat 11-16 and Sun 11-14

V.52, Mon-Thu 11-16 and Wed 11-15

Guest in the harbour

All questions regarding guest harbour places and bookings can be made via our harbour master 0708-122 622.

Marina in the inner part of Fiskebäckskil, about 2 M southeast of Lysekil. Depth 2-6 metres.

Read more Book a guest place

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